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October 11, 2021

Bên cạnh Phân tích và sửa chi tiết đề thi IELTS SPEAKING 4/8/2020 [Audio+Transcript], IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp transcript đề thi thử IELTS Listening.

Đề 8

1. Section 1

DAD: Hello? 992846.

HANNAH: Dad? Is that you?

DAD: Hannah?

HANNAH: Dad. I'm phoning ...

DAD: The line isn't very clear.

HANNAH: Yes, I know. I'm on a mobile and the signal isn't very good. I'll see if I can move ... Is that any better?

DAD: Yes. That's much better. Just don't move.

HANNAH: I'll try not to.

DAD: Have you found a place to live yet?

HANNAH: Yes! I think I have at last.

DAD: Wonderful!

HANNAH: I'm relieved because I'm fed up looking. I didn't think it was going to take me three weeks.

DAD: It hasn't been easy for you. I suppose it's the beginning of the academic year and you have all the new students looking for places as well.

HANNAH: Yes, that's one reason. But this place is also full of new technology companies and there are lots of young people looking for somewhere to live. And you know what that means?

DAD: Higher rents as well.

HANNAH: Yes. Much higher.

DAD: Well, tell me, how much is it?

HANNAH: It isn't cheap for this area. It's 400 pounds a month.

DAD: That is much more than you'd expected.

HANNAH: Yes, it is, but I can't face looking anymore. I want a place where I can put my things, instead of living out of a suitcase. I don't want to stay in this hotel any longer.

DAD: I guess not. So what's the new place like?

HANNAH: Oh, it's really, really nice.

DAD: Oh, good.

HANNAH: It's in a very quiet street. It's a second-floor flat with one double bedroom, a large living room, kitchen and toilet and bathroom.

DAD: Sounds very nice.

HANNAH: Oh it is. And guess what?

DAD: Yes?

HANNAH: It's got a small roof terrace looking onto the garden at the back.

DAD: Great.

HANNAH: And it's big enough to have my plants and a small table and chairs.

DAD: Brilliant.

Narrator: As you listen to the second part of the conversation, complete the numbered spaces 6 to 10 for questions 8 to 10. Write no more than three words for each answer.

DAD: Now, what's the address?

HANNAH: It's 22B Whitehart Road.

DAD: 22E.

HANNAH: No, 22B. B for ... banana.

DAD: Right. And it's Whitehart Road.


DAD: And the postcode?

HANNAH: You know, I don't think ... I've ... got it.

DAD: Okay.

HANNAH: No ... here it is. It's EX15 9RJ

DAD: This line is bad. Is that EX50?

HANNAH: No, it's EX15.

DAD: Okay. I don't think I know the road.

HANNAH: It's a side road. But you do know the area because it's off Garret Lane.

DAD: Oh right. Which end?

HANNAH: The other end from the stadium.

DAD: So it won't be too noisy then.

HANNAH: You can still hear it from here when there's a match on.

DAD: Mmm. When are we going to see you?

HANNAH: Well, I was going to come down on Friday evening after work. And then we could bring my things by van on Saturday afternoon. I want to move all of my stuff out to give you and Mum more space.

DAD: We'll need to hire a van then.

HANNAH: It's okay. I'll pay for it.

DAD: No. No. Don't worry. It'll be a gift from your Mum and me.

HANNAH: Oh, Dad. It's okay I ...

DAD: No, I won't hear of it. We'll pay.

HANNAH: Oh right. Thanks, Dad.

DAD: And if you're taking everything, we might need to hire a container lorry.

HANNAH: Oh, Dad!

DAD: I'm only joking.

HANNAH: I know.

DAD: I'll hire the van for the Saturday then. I can pick it up first thing in the morning.

HANNAH: Right.

DAD: And then return it in the evening.

HANNAH: Are you sure you don't want to stay overnight?

DAD: No, I'd best get back the same day. You know what your Mum's like. She'll only worry. If I remember rightly, it's about three hours by road?

HANNAH: Yes, roughly.

DAD: Well, if we leave by lunchtime, we'll be there mid-afternoon.


DAD: Then a couple of hours to unpack.

HANNAH: Then ...

DAD: We could go to a nice restaurant around the corner.

HANNAH: Definitely. My treat!

DAD: You're on. But I'll have to be away by about 7:30 is.


DAD: Right then. Ahm ... Mum wants to have a word. I'll see you Friday.

HANNAH: Bye, Dad.

DAD: I'll hand you over to her ... bye.

Narrator: That is the end of Section 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers.

2. Section 2

And now for our main headlines on Southern Local News for today. First of all, the report relating to the proposed motorway and other developments around the village of Tartlesbury was published this morning. And, as has been expected, it has created quite a lot of interest. The new motorway will pass along the north side of the village, crossing the River Teeme less than half a kilometre from the well-known beauty spot, Streeve Ford, to the northeast of the village. The motorway will cut the village off from the Ford, where many children play.

But that is not the end of it. There are also plans to build a thousand houses on farmland - west of the village. And on top of that, there are proposals to build an industrial estate for new technology companies on the site of the old steelworks on the edge of the village. A new centre with a swimming pool and a very wide range of sports facilities and a large supermarket with other shops are also planned next to the housing estate.

Mr. Jones, a local farmer we spoke to early today, is strongly against the plans. But the local council is pushing for them to be adopted in full. They say that new housing is needed in the area and that it is an opportunity to take advantage of government grants for setting up new technology developments. The Mayor, Mr. Funn, says: "We must make every effort to do our part for the economy of the country and for the local people. This is a golden opportunity to put Tartlesbury on the map."

Reactions to Mr. Funn's comments have been quick to come. Surprisingly, when we contacted the spokesman of the local conservation group, he was very much for the planned developments. But not all the local groups support the scheme. And, unlike the Mayor, the local MP Mrs. Wright is very much against the planned developments.

Mr. Khan, a local shopkeeper, had this to say: "People are absolutely horrified at what is being proposed here. This is just a chance for some people to make money quickly. But I can assure you that if they think that local people are going to be a walkover, they have another think coming. Of course, we welcome the jobs that the new technology park will bring, but we feel that the large increase in housing and the proposed motorway will destroy the character of the area."

I think this is a debate that is going to run on for quite some time and we here on Local News will keep you informed.

And now for something quite different. This year's exam results have just come out and there are a lot of happy faces out there. It would seem that the number of young people going on to university from the local College in Upton, which is not far from Tartlesbury, has increased by 25% this year. All those who have applied to go to university or into teacher-training colleges have found places. This is the first time that there has been a 100% success rate at the College. We spoke earlier to the Principal of the College, who said she was very proud of all those who had achieved their aims and she wished them every success in the future.

There will be another news bulletin at 11 p.m. And for now, it's back to more music from around the world.

3. Section 3

Narrator: You will hear a talk by a counselor on plans for the development of an old industrial site. First, you have some time to look at the questions. Now listen carefully and answer questions.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is counselor Norma Boyd, and welcome to this exhibition about the development of the old Paper Mill Factory and Gas Works Site, which has been lying unused for more than a decade. There has been pressure on the council to use the land to build a training center and a small business park. However, we have been encouraged by local people to create an open area for the benefit of the community, providing much-needed space for recreation. And I now have pleasure in announcing that the plans for the creation of a park to be called Park Royal, and for flats have now been approved. I'm also pleased to announce that we have secured sponsorship from local organizations. More detailed plans of the developments are available from the council website, details of which are in your pack. In the meantime, I just like to take you through the plan here on the screen.

Narrator: Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at the questions. Now listen carefully and answer the questions.

If we start here at the bottom, you can see Parkside Street where the main entrance to the park is on the left of the entrance. In the bottom left-hand corner of the plan, there will be a block of 40 studio flats, on the other side of the entrance, there will be some workshops for local businesses. There will also be another entrance here on the top right, which leads into Pear Street. Here in the center of the park, we will have an ornamental lake with paths radiating north south east and west, to the different areas of the park. In the top right-hand corner just by the Pear Street entrance, there will be a large sports area with two football pitches and four tennis and volleyball courts. Just here beside the pitches on the same side of the path, will be an outdoor swimming pool. Now in the top left-hand corner, a walled flower garden is planned with a rockery and a water feature with walkways seats and lots of shady areas for the summer, next to this a sculpture garden is also planned.

Now let's see just here below the walled garden, there will be a grassy amphitheater with a permanent covered stage for open-air concerts. We hope that local schools and colleges will use this theater to showcase student work. In the bottom left-hand corner of the plan, you can see that above the block of flats there will be a play area for children. And directly to the right of this just near the main entrance, there will be a wild area, more trees will be planted here, and in the middle will be built an educational center for you by local schools, to encourage children to take care of the wildlife and look after the trees and plants. And finally, in the bottom right-hand corner of the park will be a cafe opening on to Pear Street.

And now for questions, if anyone would like to ask anything, I and my colleagues are only too happy to oblige, yes the lady in the front row if I could have you...

4. Section 4

Narrator: will hear a speaker giving a talk about some recent research about unusual life form. First, you have some time to look at questions 31 to 40. Now listen carefully and answer questions 31 to 40.

Hello, everybody, and welcome to the sixth of our Ecology evening classes. Nice to see you all again. As you know from the program, today I want to talk to you about some research that is pushing back the frontiers of the whole field of ecology. And this research is being carried out in the remoter regions of our planet - places where the environment is harsh and until recently, it was thought that the conditions couldn't sustain life of any kind. But, life forms are being found and these have been grouped into what is now known as extremophiles - that is organisms that can survive in the most extreme environments. And these discoveries may be setting a huge challenge for the scientists of the future, as you'll see in a minute.

Now, the particular research I want to tell you about was carried out in Antarctica, one of the coldest and driest places on Earth. But a multinational team of researchers - from the US, Canada and New Zealand - recently discovered colonies of microbes in the soil there, where no one thought it was possible. Interestingly enough, some of the colonies were identified as a type of fungus called Beauvena Bassiana - a fungus that lives on insects. But where are the insects in these utterly empty regions of Antarctica? The researchers concluded that this was clear evidence that these colonies were certainly not new arrivals they might've been there for centuries, or even millennia, possibly even since the last Ice Age. Can you imagine their excitement?

Now, some types of microbes had previously been found living just a few millimeters under the surface of rocks porous, Antarctic rocks, but this was the first time that living colonies had been found surviving - er...relatively deeply in the soil itself, several centimeters down in fact.

So, the big question is: how can these colonies survive there? Well, we know that the organisms living very near the rock surface can still be warmed by the sun, so they can survive in their own microclimate ... and this keeps them from freezing during the day. But this isn't the case for the colonies that are hidden under the soil. In their research paper, this team suggested that the very high amounts of salt in the soil might be the clue because this is what is preventing essential water from freezing.

The team found that the salt concentration increased the deeper down they went in the soil. But while they had expected the number of organisms to be fewer down there, they actually found the opposite. In soil that had as much as 3000 parts of salt per million, relatively high numbers of microbes were present - which seems incredible! But the point is that at those levels of salt, the temperature could drop to minus 56 degrees before frost would cause any damage to the organisms.

This relationship between microbes and salt at temperatures way below the normal freezing point of water - is a really significant breakthrough. As you all know, life is dependent on the availability of water in liquid form, and the role of salt at very low temperatures could be the key to survival in these kinds of conditions. Now the process at work here is called supercooling - and that's usually written as one word but it isn’t really understood as yet. So, there's a lot more for researchers to work on. However, the fact that this process occurs naturally in Antarctica, may suggest that it might occur in other places with similar conditions, including on our neighboring planet, Mars. So, you can start to see the wider implications of this kind of research.

In short, it appears to support the growing belief that extraterrestrial life might be able to survive the dry, cold conditions on other planets alter all. Not only does this research produce evidence that life is possible there, it’s also informing scientists of the locations where it might be found. So all of this might have great significance for future unmanned space missions. One specialist on Mars confirms the importance …

Narrator: That is the end of Section 4. You now have half a minute to check your answers.

That is the end of the Listening Test. You now have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the separate Answer Sheet.

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