Cách trả lời "Where do people like to travel to?" IELTS SPEAKING PART 3

· Part 3

Bên cạnh hướng dẫn cách Phân tích+Sửa bài hs đạt 7.0"The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015" IELTS WRITING TASK 1 (bar graph), IELTS TUTOR HƯỚNG DẪN Cách trả lời "Where do people like to travel to?" IELTS SPEAKING PART 3

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Cách trả lời "Where do you think people want to go most during the holidays? Why is this place popular?"

Cách trả lời dạng câu hỏi này đã rất quen thuộc với các bạn học sinh lớp IELTS ONLINE SPEAKING 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR rồi nhé:

  • One popular destination during holidays is often a beach resort or tropical island, such as Hawaii, the Maldives, or the Caribbean >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng tính từ"popular"tiếng anh
  • Main idea 1: These places offer warm weather, beautiful scenery, and a relaxing atmosphere, making them appealing for those looking to unwind and escape from the stress of everyday life. 
    • Supporting idea: This is because many people prefer to go to sunny and warm destinations during the holidays >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng động từ"prefer"tiếng anh
    • Example: Countries like Thailand, the Maldives, and the Caribbean are popular holiday destinations due to their warm climate, beautiful beaches, and natural attractions. These places provide visitors with the opportunity to relax, soak up the sun, and enjoy the natural beauty of their surroundings. 
  • Main idea 2: Additionally, they often offer a range of activities such as water sports, snorkeling, and hiking, making them attractive to those looking for a more active vacation.
    • Supporting idea: This variety of activities ensures that there is something for everyone, making these destinations popular among travelers >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng động từ "ensure" tiếng anh 
    • Example: For example, a place like Hawaii offers not just beaches and scenic views, but also various adventure sports such as surfing, ziplining, and hiking. Similarly, places like Thailand and Bali offer opportunities for cultural exploration, with historic temples and traditional markets to visit. 
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