Phân tích đề "Describe a noisy place you have been to" IELTS SPEAKING

· Part 2

Bên cạnh Hướng dẫn đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 bài WRITING TASK 1 (map) về school library (kèm bài sửa cho HS đi thi), IELTS TUTOR Phân tích đề Describe a noisy place you have been to

I. Đề bài

Describe a noisy place you have been to
You should say:

  • What it is
  • When you wnet there
  • What you did there
  • And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

II. Kiến thức liên quan

III. Phân tích

1. Bài tham khảo số 1

IELTS TUTOR lưu ý bám sát vào các câu hỏi cue card của IELTS TUTOR để bố cục bài nói nhé:

  • What it is
  • When you went there + What you did there
    • It’s my home, so I stayed there nearly all the time
    • The noise of the drills, hammers and other power tools during the daytime was really annoying (IELTS TUTOR gợi ý cách diễn đạt khác: When I stay at home, I can hear the construction noise like the hammer banging, the drilling sounds, very irritating)
    • During this time I felt extremely exhausted and I really wanted to make a complaint so that my neighbour would take some actions but his house renovations were legal so there was nothing I could do
  • And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place
    • Main idea 1: Hearing the noise all the time drove me crazy, and had quite a negative impact on my work.
    • Main idea 2: These impacts contributed to my negative mental, physical and behavioral manifestations.

IELTS TUTOR gợi ý bài tham khảo:

Well, let me tell you about a rather noisy experience I had a few months ago when my neighbor decided to renovate his house. It was quite a disruptive period for me.

So, when my neighbor began his renovations a few months back, it felt like a constant onslaught of noise pollution invading my home. Living next door, I practically spent all my time there, and let me tell you, it wasn't peaceful.

During the daytime, the relentless sounds of drills, hammers, and other power tools echoed through the walls, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything. It was like a symphony of construction chaos, and it was incredibly irritating.

As you can imagine, trying to concentrate on work or even just getting a good night's sleep became a Herculean task. The incessant racket left me feeling utterly exhausted, and at times, I found myself lying awake into the early hours of the morning.>> IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn kĩ SỬA BÀI IELTS WRITING TASK 2 ĐỀ THI THẬT NGÀY 22/8/2020 của HS IELTS TUTOR đạt 6.5 Writing

Despite my frustration, there wasn't much I could do about it. It turns out that my neighbor's renovations were all above board, completely legal. So, I had no choice but to endure the noise pollution until the renovations were complete.

Living in such a noisy environment took a toll on me in various ways. Firstly, the constant racket had a detrimental effect on my work. It was incredibly challenging to maintain focus and productivity with the incessant background noise. And let me tell you, losing sleep night after night didn't help matters either.

Moreover, the noise pollution also had a negative impact on my mental and emotional well-being. In such a chaotic environment, I found myself becoming more easily agitated and prone to outbursts of frustration. It was like the constant assault on my senses was wearing me down, both mentally and physically.

Overall, living next to a construction site was a noisy nightmare that I wouldn't wish upon anyone. It disrupted my life in more ways than one, affecting my work, my sleep, and my overall well-being. Needless to say, I was relieved when the renovations finally came to an end, and peace and quiet were restored to my home.

2. Bài tham khảo số 2

Bài soạn được chỉnh sửa từ nội dung bài brainstorm của HS lớp IELTS SPEAKING ONLINE 1 KÈM 1 của IELTS TUTOR:

Describe a noisy place you have been to

  • What it is
    • During my trip to my hometown on Tet Holiday, there was a place that left a lasting impression of noise in my memory – my neighbor's house, where they often had karaoke sessions.
  • When you went there
  • And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place
    • There are numerous reasons for why I perceive it as a noisy location.
      • FIRSTLY, while we were sleeping, we were suddenly awoken by the booming sound of karaoke coming from their house. Initially, I hoped they would sing for a short while and stop before 10 p.m., but to my disappointment, they continued non-stop. They even sang the same song, "Gánh Mẹ," louder and louder.
      • SECONDLY, Feeling increasingly agitated, I couldn't remain composed any longer, so we decided to visit their house and express our complaints about the disturbance. Thankfully, they understood our concerns and adjusted the volume, making it more bearable for everyone in the neighborhood.
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