Giải đề"A person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal"IELTS SPEAKING

· Speaking

I. Đề bài

A person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal

  • Who this person is
  • What this person encouraged you to do
  • How this person helped you
  • And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal

II. Từ vựng

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Từ vựng topic "encouragement" IELTS

  • Start from scratch:  from the beginning , without using anything that already exists. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng "exist" tiếng anh 
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: 
      • After losing in his business, Raj started from scratch. 
  • Mockeries: sự chế giễu
  • Physically demanding: cần nhiều thể lực
  • Jump in: nhảy vào một tnh huống khó khăn
  • Sense of purpose: nhận thức về mục đích
  • Put sb under pressure: tạo áp lực cho ai đó
  • Mimic parents’ behavior: bắt chước hành vi bố mẹ
  • On the top of my list: đầu tên nghĩ ra
  • Encourage partcipation in class: khuyến khích sự tham gia xây dựng bài học trong lớp
  • Slim down: gầy đi
  • Break habit: phá bỏ thói quen. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách dùng danh từ "habit" 
  • Catch a glimpse of: được trải nghiệm nhẹ
  • Stable: firmly fixed or not likely to move or change
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:
      • After freelancing for 2 years, John got a stable job as a programmer. 
  • Make ends meet: earn just enough money to live on 
    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:
      • We will need to start saving money in order to make ends meet.

III. Phân tích


  • Câu 1: Who this person is
    • My mother - ....who motivated and helped me a lot to achieve one of my most important goals (HOẶC: ...who always push me up to reach my goals). >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Cách paraphrase từ "important"
  • Câu 2: What this person encouraged you to do
  • Câu 3: How this person helped you
  • Câu 4: And explain why this encouragement helped you to achieve the goal
    • Main idea 1: She reminded me that nothing was impossible in the world if your mission was clear, and you were determined to achieve it. 
      • Supporting idea: Without her financial and emotional support, I could not have passed the IELTS exam to study abroad. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý Từ vựng IELTS topic Emotion 
    • Main idea 2: The way she explained was really persuasive 
      • Supporting idea: She constantly gave me examples of people who successfully passed their IELTS with flying colors >>  Thanks to her patience and selfless contribution, I made progress little by little and achieved a relatively high score in the IELTS test 

IELTS TUTOR gợi ý bài tham khảo:

Today, I would like to tell you about a person who encouraged and helped me to achieve a significant goal in my life. This person is my mother. She has always been a pillar of support and motivation, particularly when I was striving to achieve a high score in the IELTS test.

One of my primary goals was to excel in the IELTS exam, and my mother was my biggest cheerleader throughout this journey. She constantly encouraged me to give my best effort and never give up, even when I faced setbacks. I remember retaking the IELTS test multiple times, and not once did she complain or express any disappointment. Instead, she remained supportive, urging me to keep pushing forward.>> Form đăng kí giải đề thi thật IELTS 4 kĩ năng kèm bài giải bộ đề IELTS SPEAKING quý đang thi (update hàng tuần) từ IELTS TUTOR

In terms of practical help, my mother played a crucial role in my preparation for the IELTS speaking section. She would spend hours with me, practicing different speaking topics, correcting my mistakes, and helping me improve my pronunciation and fluency. Her dedication to helping me practice was unwavering, and it made a significant difference in my performance.

There are numerous factors that contributed to why this encouragement was instrumental in helping me achieve my goal. Firstly, she constantly reminded me that nothing was impossible if I had a clear mission and determination. Her words were a source of inspiration and strength, especially during moments when I felt like giving up.

Moreover, my mother's explanations and advice were always persuasive and motivating. She often shared stories of people who had successfully passed the IELTS with flying colors, which boosted my confidence and determination. Her patience and selfless contribution enabled me to make gradual progress and ultimately achieve a relatively high score in the IELTS test.

Overall, my mother's encouragement and assistance were crucial in helping me reach my goal of scoring well on the IELTS exam. Her unwavering support, practical help, and motivational words were the driving force behind my success.

IV. Sửa bài IELTS SPEAKING PART 2 Dạng describe a person (HS đạt 7.5)

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